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Health &


Nova offers a wide range of services related to workplace health and safety hazards and compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) regulations. 其专业人员可以帮助识别, identify, evaluate, and control potential employee health and safety problems in commercial and industrial settings.

Nova has significant experience in conducting workplace hazard assessments to evaluate potential employee safety or health risks and to assist clients in finding solutions that maintain compliance, 提高预防, or manage risks that may lead to workplace incidents and employee injury or illness. Nova’s experienced industrial hygiene and safety professionals help its clients provide a safe workplace environment, 提高生产力, compliance, 培训项目, reduced losses, 员工安全上班,安全回家.

Nova员工也开发, implements, 并为客户提供许多节目, 例如定期审计, job design, 风险沟通, confined space, 熄火(危险能源), 听力保护, 呼吸防护, 和危险废物操作和应急响应(HAZWOPER). It works with the full range of OSHA, CCOHS, health department, and right-to-know compliance issues.




诺瓦的石棉专家小组致力于提供建议, testing, 设计含石棉材料的控制系统.


Nova的专业人员包括认证工业卫生师, 持牌石棉督察, 管理规划, Supervisors, 认证消减项目设计师, 空气采样专业人员, 注册专业工程师和建筑师. Staff members are trained at the National Asbestos Training Center (NATC) and McCrone Research Institute (MRI), 以及Nova epa认可的培训项目.

Nova conducts certified 培训项目 for asbestos management that meet OSHA certification requirements for those working in facilities management.


Nova开发了 爵士石棉管理 Program, which is used by facilities managers in tracking asbestos concerns in their facilities. This software program also allows facilities managers to quickly identify existing asbestos concerns prior to any renovations.




Nova进行符合EPA和OSHA要求的石棉调查. 它的电脑程序可以更新, change, 维护设施信息, 包括平面图, 数码照片, 训练数据, and allows for on-site and off-site property management of multiple facilities.


Nova’s staff of project designers is EPA-certified to prepare small-scale asbestos abatement designs and specification to complete facility abatement projects. Nova管理从初始投标到最终付款的减排合同.


Nova的认证专业人员提供减排承包商监督, 项目管理, 在石棉消减项目中进行现场空气采样/分析.

Operations & 维修保养计划(O)&M)

O&M programs cover essential training information for operations and maintenance personnel and outline specific work practices to prevent or control the disturbance of asbestos-containing materials.


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - 工业卫生 Services Group Leader

Email | 612-750-1229



Nova has significant experience in performing 室内空气质量 (IAQ) evaluations, 监察室内空气质素修复工程, 制定纠正工程程序, 培训员工, 进行定期审计. Sampling and testing can be performed to measure exposure to airborne microbiological contaminants, 化学危害, 或噪音或热量过大. Evaluations may also entail an analysis of building operations to develop strategies to control air quality, including installation of ventilation systems and modifications to processes and products.


Nova has significant experience in IAQ investigations for commercial and residential facilities, 微生物减排监测, 纠正工程, 员工培训, 定期审计. A combination of sampling techniques recommended by the American 工业卫生 Association (AIHA) is utilized in all IAQ investigations performed.


Nova’s projects often address regulatory and liability concerns of employers or homeowners and respond to employee/resident questions or complaints. Typical IAQ investigations require a site walk-through to identify indoor conditions that may lead to symptoms of allergies, illness, 和/或全身不适. Sampling and testing are performed via culturing and non-culturing analytical techniques to measure bioaerosols (aeroallergens and/or bacteria) present in the air and building materials. The IAQ investigation also includes the inspection of and sampling of HVAC system(s) and associated ducting. Expert witness testimony and advisory services are provided to clients involved in health-related claims.


  • Investigations

  • 修复方案设计

  • 投标服务和合同管理

  • 现场整治监督

  • 间隙测试

  • Expert Witness

  • Mold

  • Bacteria

  • 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)

  • Formaldehyde

  • 颗粒识别

  • 尘螨过敏原

  • Sewage

  • 硫化氢和二氧化硫

  • 汞蒸气测试

  • 红外温度记录

  • 水分侵入评估

  • 建筑围护结构评估

  • 机械系统评估

  • Allergen Testing

  • 运维方案


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - 工业卫生 Services Group Leader

Email | 612-750-1229




Nova的专业人员包括经过认证的工业卫生师, 持牌主任检验员, 以及铅风险评估员.

Nova staff members are experts on new lead-based paint regulations for residential properties.  他们在HUD/FHA之后完成了许多主要项目, HUD/EPA, EPA RRP, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, 以及其他贷款人的特定要求. Nova professionals routinely work with clients to meet federal and state requirements for lead-based paint.



Testing Methods

Lead-based paint investigations are completed using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrum analysis, paint chips, and soil samples. XRF调查和清单准确、及时且具有成本效益. 这种方法对现有的饰面几乎没有损害. XRF还可以对建筑构件中的结构钢进行取样. Paint chip sampling is also used for testing commercial steel structures. 样品被收集并送到实验室进行分析. 这三种方法都符合联邦含铅涂料测试要求.


  • 利用手持式硝基XRF分析仪进行铅分析

  • 制定危害控制计划

  • 领导检查

  • 铅风险评估

  • 铅消减监测

  • 铅清除测试

  • 饮用水的收集和实验室分析

  • 油漆、土壤、水、空气、钢和粉尘中铅的现场取样

  • 铅中毒风险评估

  • 领导修复设计和项目管理

  • 消减期间的观察和测试

  • OSHA Compliance


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - 工业卫生 Services Group Leader

Email | 612-750-1229



Nova offers a wide range of services related to workplace health and safety hazards and compliance with health and safety regulations. 其专业人员可以帮助识别, evaluate, and control health and safety problems in commercial and industrial settings, 协助公司遵守OSHA标准.


Nova has significant experience in potential occupational exposure evaluation, 室内空气质量监测, 问题调查, 合规审查, 纠正工程, 员工培训, 定期审计.

Nova员工也开发, implements, and presents programs for Hazardous Waste Emergency Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), confined space, lockout-tagout, 听力保护, 呼吸防护, 以及危险沟通. It works with the full range of OSHA, health department, and right-to-know compliance issues.



Typical projects address employers’ regulatory and liability concerns and respond to employee questions or complaints. These projects require a facility walk-through to identify hazards that may lead to accidents, 疾病/生活质量问题, hearing loss, 或者是重复性运动损伤. Sampling and testing can be performed to measure exposure to airborne 化学危害 或噪音或热量过大. Evaluations may also entail an analysis of engineering control strategies, 包括通风系统, 流程的修改, 或者瑞丰乐投letou官网替代. Expert witness testimony and advisory services are provided to clients involved in health-related claims.


  • Air Monitoring

  • 噪声监测

  • 问题调查

  • 合规审查

  • 控制工程

  • OSHA Programs

  • Expert Witness


Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - 工业卫生 Services Group Leader

Email | 612-750-1229



  • 注册工业卫生师

  • 持牌主任督察 & Supervisors

  • 认证消减项目设计师

  • 注册专业工程师 & Architects

  • 注册安全专业人员

Ask Us.

Nova Group, GBC (Nova) is an international advising firm providing innovative environmental and engineering services in the areas of risk assessment, investigation, management, 合规和纠正措施活动.

电话:+1 855-440-9393

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